Welcome to PulsarAstronomy.net. This site aims to be an information hub for pulsar related topics, including software descriptions and instructions, an index of people involved in pulsar research and current projects and collaborations and places to advertise Jobs. There is also a global pulsar mailing list which anyone can sign up to. This site is a wiki, therefore anyone can edit the content. Please add anything missing and correct any errors. See bolded text below for the edit password! (Note that front page is protected).
If you have any news to be shown here, email it to mkeith at this domain. If you have any problems with the site, or want any new features, please add them to the Suggestions page. If you would like to be involved in the running of this site, please email (mkeith at this domain).
Remember: The edit password is 716Hz.
Check out the How To and Tutorials Sections for all kinds of useful tips for pulsar astronomers.
Today’s Pulsar Preprints
Mining the time axis with TRON. I. Millisecond pulsars in Omega Centauri, Terzan 5 and 47 Tucanae detected through MeerKAT interferometric imaging
Oleg M. Smirnov, Ian Heywood, Marisa Geyer, Talon Myburgh, Cyril Tasse, Jonathan S. Kenyon, Simon J. Perkins, James Dawson, Hertzog L. Bester, Joe S. Bright, Buntu Ngcebetsha, Nadeem Oozeer, Victoria G. G. Samboco, Isaac Sihlangu, Carmen Choza, Andrew P. V. Siem
View more from the last five days.
Preprints provided by arxiv.org
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*People Involved in Pulsar Astronomy
*Current and Former Projects and Surveys
*Software developed for pulsar research
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This site aims to bring together the communities surrounding research into pulsars and neutron stars. There is no affiliation with any particular institute, and anyone involved in the field is invited to contribute.
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